Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Entry #2

      Hello again. Tutoring is still an ongoing success for the students and I. I have been encouraging more students to stay back after school a couple days a week regularly. Some of them come only when they have tests and others come just to get their homework finished. I find that it is easier to get school work and homework done in school rather than at home because there are less distractions; I guess a lot of the students come to realize that now as well. Once report cards went out at the end of last month and students in junior high, especially found out how they were actually doing, I noticed some of them started staying back after school for extra help. A lot of students tend to struggle with math. Helping them with math is sometimes a task for me. Although I am an honours math student and I love math, I need to make sure I am teaching them the correct way to do it. I may know how to do the work myself and get the correct answers in my own way, but I need to make sure that I am teaching them the way their teachers are teaching them so I don’t confuse them or teach them differently. I enjoy doing this though; it helps improve my patience with them and my capability to help them and other people. I have also noticed that the grades of some of my regular students from elementary have improved. This tells me that I am doing my job correctly. Some parents have even said how good it is for them not to have to help their child with a load of homework every night because as parents they're usually busy and most of the time they do not understand how to do their child/children's homework. It makes me feel good knowing that I am trying to help others and that it is actually working and their grades and work skills are improving. Teaching the students to have a good work and study ethic now will help them in the future when they move on to junior high and then to senior high.

That’s entry #2 J.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Entry #1

First of all, my name is Brittany Atwood and I am a Horizons Leadership student. I created this blog for an Horizons Service Learning Activity where I am required to write several entries on an activity I have created  or one that I am currently involved in in my community. I am required to write about how this activity has improved or is improving my leadership abilities and how it's helping my community. I chose to write about an activity that I am already a part of.

Tutoring is an activity I am currently involved in. I spend 3 to 4 afternoons a week after school at my previous school tutoring children who need extra help with their school work/homework or extra help studying. Mostly I tutor elementary students and I have my regulars, but occasionally I have a couple of junior high students who like to stay every now and then. Some kids even like to stay just for the quiet time to study, and if they have any trouble understanding something I'm there to help them out with it. Tutoring not only helps the students I tutor; it also helps me. It helps improve my leadership abilities, and gives me the opportunity to get to know the kids in my community. I love helping people and I also love kids. I tutor in pretty much what ever subject they need help with, whether it be math, english, science or social studies, et cetera. Over these past couple months I found that most students need extra help with math which happens to be my favorite subject. I love doing math and since the math program has recently changed over the past couple of years I also learn new things just about every day.

That’s it for entry #1. J


Friday, November 19, 2010


Leadership is inspiring others, helping them with their struggles and encouraging them to do better and strive for success.